White Globe 
A v i a t i o n

About Us

We are a consultancy company formed by at least fifteen years experienced aviation enthusiastic expert engineers with know-how, practical, deep research and proven experience in civil aviation, aircraft design and certification, ETSO/TSO Part certification and approval, and experience in establishment of Part 21 organization approval (DOA/POA). Beside those, our team has engineering experience in aircraft design, gas turbine, flight control systems, avionics and systems engineering.

Our Mission

White Globe Aviation serves consultancy, training, and engineering services to civil aviation for companies, institutions or organizations dealing with aircraft and aviation part design.

We also provide engineering support, consultancy and training for aircraft modification and certitication (minor change, repair and also for STCs) for civil and military aviaiton, engineering support to fixed and rotating wing aircraft project for manned and unmanned platforms. We use digital-twin technology to improve product quality.

Our Vision

White Globe Aviation aims to serve consultancy and training serves in aircraft design and certification, modification and repair, and engineering services for aerospace companies in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe.

White Globe Aviation plans to become reliable partner and leader in all Part 21 related activities including but not limited to design and production organizaitons, all cabin interior related modifications, structural repair design, in-flight entertaiment and electrical system changes, new part equipment design and certification, etc., in the Middle East Region, Africa, Asia, and Europe.